Tis the Season…to HEAR

‘Tis the Season: This simple, sweet phrase works brilliantly as justification for just about anything. Want that extra cookie? ‘Tis the Season! Want to buy a new pair of heels? ‘Tis the Season! Want to stay out late and skip your early morning working? ‘Tis the Season! Repeat this phrase over and over and over, my friend. And, pull it …

Snoring Can Lead to Hearing Loss! Who Knew?

The effects of snoring are wide-reaching, impacting relationships, health, and productivity. Approximately 45% of normal adults snore occasionally, and approximately 25% of adults are habitual snores. Snoring seems to be more common in men, though many women also snore. Habitual snoring becomes more common the older we get. Spotting the Effects of Snoring Do you know someone who snores? Maybe …